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Call of Islam outside of Makkah.

On the way to the city:

When the shooting subsided request, suspended the work of patrols and inspections, and calmed down Thairat Qureish continued after three days of hot pursuit in vain, saw the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him and the other exit to the city.

They had rented Abdullah bin Orivt Leithi, and a skilled guide Chrita the road and was the religion of Quraish infidels, and Omnah it, and handed him Rahaltehma and Oaaadah Ghar Thor after three nights Brahaltehma, when he was suddenly on Monday night in the spring of the first e 1 / 16 622 m in September Jaehma Abdullah bin Orivt Balrahlten, and he said to Abu Bakr, the Prophet peace be upon him when his consultations in the home: the father of you, O Messenger of Allah, take one of these Rahalty, and near the Ovdilhma, said the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him price. Otaathma names and daughter of Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with them Bsafarthma, and forgot to make it Asama, when I went to post comments Arthla trip, if not Essam, two Vhqt scope, commented on one trip, and the other elements and Anttguet: with scales.

Then pack the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him, Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him and the pack with Ben Amer Fahirp, the taking of evidence by Abdullah bin Orivt on the road to the coast.

The first of them after the wire out of the laurel that dwell in the direction towards the south of Yemen, and then headed west towards the coast, even if it had not arrived at through the familiar people, was heading north in the vicinity of the Red Sea coast, and took a route not only a rare.

According to Ibn Ishaq over where the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him in this way, he said: As the guide wire out the bottom of Mecca, and then went to the coast so opposed Asvan down the road, and then wire them to the bottom of the field, Astjaz even then opposed by the road after it had approved the Kadida, and then passed by the place that the Vslk Kherar, and then fold the wire time, and then wire them to halt, and then passed by the Mudalljp snap, and then by Astbtun Mudalljp Mjaj, and then weighted by the wire Mjah , and then fitted by weighted Algazavin than ever, and then the abdomen with a grimace, and then take them to Aljaddajd and then on the Alojrd, and then by a wire from under the peace Mudalljp Tahn prepared, and then on the Alababid, and then passed by the Alvajp, and then fell by Limping, and then Air Thaniah the wire on the right, even riding down the belly of the Rim, and then submitted them to Koubaa.

Here are some of what happened on the way

1 Al-Bukhaari from Abu Bakr may Allah be pleased with him said: Osrina Fol From tomorrow until the afternoon and devoid of a road, where one does not pass, raising us to a rock a long time, it did not come under the sun, Venslna him, settled for the blessings of Allaah be upon him The place Bedie, sleep, and simplified by the scalp, and I said: O Messenger of Allah, and I ended you what you, Vnam and have ended the contract, if I Braa future Bgenmh to rock, want it like we are, I told him : Who are you Ghalam? said: A man from the city or the people of Mecca. I said: Avi Gnmk milk? said: Yes. I said: Ovthalb? said : Yes. He took a sheep, I said: Udder adjourned from the dust, hair, Eyesore, Vhalb in Qab Kthbp of coffee, and I Idaop campaign of the Prophet peace be upon him, unquenchable thirst, the drink and Itodo, Voti blessings of Allah and peace be upon him that Vlt Ooukza, Voafqath when he woke up, Vsbpt of water on the cold milk until the bottom, I said: O Messenger of Allah drink, Fsharb so satisfied, he said: (the pain of the departure of Jan?) I said: Yes He said: Varthalna.

2 and has been Abu Bakr may Allah be pleased with him that he was Rdva of the Prophet peace be upon him, and was known as a sheikh, and the Prophet of Allah may Allah bless him and a young man does not know, legions of men, Abu Bakr said: this man at your fingertips? Says : This man guide me the way, the computer calculated that, on the way, but a good way.

3 In the second or third day over the Boukimity Alkhozaip or temple, which was positioned on the one hand Palmcll Kadid, about 130 kilometers from Mecca, or a temple courtyard Barzeh lashes Tanby the tent, and then fed and watered from the over, Vsollagha: Is it anything?, said: By Allah, if we have something Oaozkm, villages and Ahae bachelor, and the year Chaba.

Considered the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him to break the sheep in the tent, he said: (What is this you or the Temple of Shah?) Said: ewe sheep from behind the effort, he said: (Is of milk?) said: it is strained. He said: (Otoznin Li Ohalbha?) said: "Yes, my father and my mother that I saw the Halaba Vahalbha . Fmsh Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and his hand Dharaha, and called of God and called Vtvajt and received, he called it Biina based, Alrht, Vhalb until the foam problem, Vsagaha, even Fsharpt Ruyt, and watering even told his friends, and drinking, and Aleppo where II, until filled container, and then left Varthaloua.

What then her husband came to the Temple of Abu Oanza market Aajafa Icokn a joke, since the opinion of milk surprising, he said: Where did you get this? Bachelor and Shah, in Hlobp at home? Said: God does not, however, that over us man Mubarak was speaking of Kate, and Kate, and it is such and such a state, he said: By Allah, I see the Quraish requested, or descriptive Li Ya Temple, generous qualities and September in a very beautiful description if the listener is seen in front of him and his statement in Snnqlh blessings of Allah and peace be upon him at the end of the book, said Abu temple: and God is the Quraish, who said that he is mentioned, we have to Hmmt Osahbh, and Ofln, if any, to the extent possible. Makkah became the voice of high hear and see that:

May God reward the best reward of the Lord of the Throne ** Jimty companions or a temple

They got off the mainland and the ** Arthla and returned to become Muhammad Rafiq

Qusay is faithful to your God Zoe ** of effective and not Ihazy Swdd

To look after the place of Bani Ka'b girl ** The seat of the believers Observatory

Your sister, on the Cadtha Silwa Inaiha ** and you can ask the witness Shah

The names of: Where have the Drina is the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and accept a man from the jinn from the bottom of Mecca Voncd these verses, the people and hear their own voice that they do not even emerged from the top. She said: "When we heard the saying in terms of the The Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him, and his face to the city.

4 and followed the road Sracp bin Malik. Sracp said: While I am sitting in the Board built a national Mudlij, accept them, even the man on us and we sit down, he said: "O Sracp, I saw above Osudp coast, I see Muhammad and their owners. Sracp said: I knew they were, I said to him: They are not with them, but I saw Flana and sped Flana eyes, and then to broadcast the hour, and then I went inside, ordered Jarrety exiting Equine, one of the behind the mound, Vthbsaa on, and took Rmohy, by the afternoon I went home, Fajttt Bzjh land, cut above, so I Frckptha Equine, Verwatha Dnot bring me up to them, Fthert B Equine Fajrrt them, and I, Vohoet hands Kty, including Fastkrjt Cronies, by Fastksmt , harmed or not? got the hate, and equine Frckpt disobey Cronies bring me, even if I read the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and he does not heed, Abu Bakr much heed Construction Equine hand reached in the ground so that the knees, Fajrrt them, and then I got Zjrtha, no sooner out of her hands, when the Astute list if the impact of the dust of her shining in the sky, such as smoke, Fastksmt Balozlam, got the hate, Vnadetthm safety, Voagafoa, equine Frckpt did you come up and signed in time to myself was what was the pre - that will show them the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him, I said to him: that thy people may have made you diyah, and I told them what news people want with them, offering goods and luggage Erzoni did not, however, said Isoloni: (lighter Us ) When I asked him to write me a book security, ordered Fahirp Ben Amer, Lee wrote in a patch of Adam, then went on the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and grant him salvation.

In the story of Abu Bakr said: Arthalna Itlpununa people and not one of them running out, however, Sracp bin Malik bin Jashm, on his horse, so I said: This request has the right, O Messenger of Allah said: (not grieve the God is with us) [Repentance: 40].

Sracp and went back and found the people in demand pushed to say: you have Aestbrot News, has Kveetm what is here. The first day was hard on them, and so on guard for them.

5 On the way was the Prophet peace be upon him Alhsib Aslami Buraidah bin, along with about eighty houses, Voslm and converted to Islam, and the blessings of Allah and peace be upon him dinner Akher dismissed by his successor, has Buraidah land on his feet until the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and after one .

And Abdullah bin Buraidah that the Prophet may Allah bless him and was not optimistic Ittir, Buraidah Frckb Seventy passengers from the people of his fellow shares, killing God's blessings and peace be upon him, said to him: (who are you?) said: It is safer, he said: Abu Bakr: We recognized, and then said: (from the built?) said: It's brown. said: (left Shmk)

6 passed the Prophet of Allah and peace be upon him AUPS Abu Tamim bin Abi stone or stone Tamim bin AUPS Aslami, Bqahdawat between Aljehvp and Hrcy Baerj was slower for some of the back, so is the camel of Abu Bakr, one solution to the campaign of the Os sucker, and sent a boy with a name Massoud, and said: Take them to learn from the tissue, where the road is not Tvargahma, by the way Vslk so infused the city, and then answer the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him Msauda to master, and ordered him to order that the name Ossa sucker in under Oenagaha Persians, and two, between them the great D, they are nominated. and what came on one of the Pagans may detest Send AUPS Ghalameh Massoud bin Hennedp of Limping on his feet to the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and tell him to them. Makula the son of al-Tabari, and the safest yet the advent of the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and the city, and lived Limping.

7 On the way, was in the belly of Rim of Allah and peace be upon him-Zubayr, which is installed in the Muslim traders who were blocked from Syria, al-Zubayr Vksa the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him, Abu Bakr, and white clothes.

Down righteous:

On Monday, the first 8 years of the spring 14 of the prophecy the first year of immigration, 23 September, 622 m down in the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him righteous.

Erwa Bin Zubair said: Muslim city Bmkrj heard the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him from Mecca, were Igdon every day after the free Ventzrunh free aggressors until noon, Vangbawa days after the prolonged waiting, when the U'wa to their homes or in a man of Jewish Otm of Atamanm is seen, Vbesr Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him and his companions were removed Mbbin mirage, it was said that the Jewish have the top of his voice: "O Consorted Arabs, who do you expect this Jdkm, Vthar Muslims to arms. and received the Messenger of Allah and handed back free.

Ibn al-Qayyim said: I heard the meal and zoom in Bani Amr bin Auf, and the large Muslim joy coming, and went out to meet him, and Hiwa Vtlqoh greeting a prophet, Vohdqgua by Matifin around, redeeming and tranquility, and you take it: (God is the Mulah and Gabril and the benefit of the believers and the angels after that dahir) [prohibition: 4].

Erwa ibn al-Zubayr said: Messenger of God have received God's blessings and peace be upon him, adjusted to the right until they got them in Bani Amr bin Auf, and on Monday the first of the month of spring. So Abu Bakr of the people, and took the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him silent, Vtefq of supporters who came from had not seen the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him Yahya copy: Abu Bakr come about until the sun hit the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him, Then Abu Bakr was so poor shade, people knew the Prophet of God God's blessings and peace be upon him there.

The whole city had been encroached reception, which was remarkable the city has not seen the like in its history, has endorsed the view of Jews Bisharah the Prophet Habakkuk: God came from Alteman, and the Lord of the Mountains Ferrand.

And took the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and righteous Kalthoom bin demolition, and was told: on the Saad Bin Kaithamp, and I proved.

He stayed on the bin Abi Talib, may Allah be pleased with him until three in Mecca resulted in the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and grant him salvation, which has deposits of the people, and then moved his feet on his feet right up to the righteous, and got the bin Kalthoom demolition.

And established the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and righteous four days: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday. Koubaa and the foundations of the mosque and prayed in it, which is the first mosque founded on piety after the prophet, when he was the fifth day on Friday by order of God behind it, and Abu Bakr smacking, and sent to the Bani Najjar Ojoalh Though they Mottaglden swords, Fassar toward the city, around it, and understood by Friday in Bani Salim Ibn Awf, combining them in the mosque, which is in the belly of the valley, and they were a hundred men.

Entry in the city:

Then walked the Prophet peace be upon him until the Friday after the city and the income that day, called the town of Yathrib, the city of Prophet Muhammad, blessings and peace be upon him, and reflects the city's brief was a memorable day Tempt, the house was shaking and rail voices Praise and praise, and the girls chanted supporters very happy and pleased :

We did not turn out the full moon of the folds goodbye **

** We must thank God called unnecessary

Envoy us you ** I obeyed the order

And if they are not supporters of the great fortunes, however, that each one of them had hoped to take the Prophet peace be upon him, the House was not going through the role of supporters, however, took Ktam Rahalth: so the number, and several weapons and power, was to say to them: (the process is devoid Momorp it), it was still moving even reached the subject of the Prophet's Mosque Fbrki today, did not reveal until slightly risen and gone, and then turned back and Fbrki in the first place, got out, and the blessings of Bani Najjar Ojoalh God and the peace and conciliation was God, he would like to take the Ojoalh, Ickramhm so, people pushed They communicate with the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and go in them, and took Abu Ayyub al-Ansari trip, enter his house, pushed the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him says: (with one trip), and it was the happiest bin Jalal Talabani took the reins of Rahalth were there.

In the novel when Anas al-Bukhaari, the Prophet of Allah and peace be upon him: (that is our closest homes?), Abu Ayyub said: I am, O Messenger of Allah, this is humor, and this is my father. A : (Hence, we Fahii Mqila), said: folk blessing of God.

Days after his wife reached Sawdah, Bntah Fatima and Umm Kulthum, Usama bin Zaid, Umm Ayman, and left with Abdullah ibn Abi Bakr, Abu Bakar Baial, including Aisha, and remained at the Abu Zeinab El-Aas, was unable to get even migrated after Badr.

Aisha said: We have the city, a land of God HUPPAIN was being Btahan sons, namely, water Ajna.

She said: Messenger of God for his blessings of Allah and peace be upon him Oek the city of Abu Bakr and Bilal entered them, so I said: Oh, how Abe Tjdk? Loya Bilal how Tjdk? She said: "If Abu Bakr was the fever took him to say :

Mesbeh everyone in his family and ** lower than the death trap Nolh

He was lifted when it took off Aqirth says:

Do not Let the hair Opetn night desert and ** About Izkr and Jalil

Will Jordan-day water Mjnp ** Does seem Li mole and parasite

Aisha said: Fjit the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him Vokbernh, he said: (O Anathematize Shaybah bin Rabia, and the threshold bin Rabia, illiteracy behind the bin, and made us stop our land to the land of the epidemic). And then "The Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him: (Oh dear to us Khabna city of Mecca or more, and Sahhaa and Park in Salla and to furnish and convey Vajolha protected Paljhvp).

God has answered prayer and blessings of Allaah be upon him peace, I believe in a dream that a black woman rebel head out of town until I got Palmeiep, which Aljehvp. This was a transfer to the city and B Aljehvp, thus rested on the migrants were an end to the severity of the climate of the city .

Here ended his life a part of God's blessings and peace be upon him after the prophet, which is the Mecca. The following is his concise civil peace be upon him.

Covenant of Civil and Islamic Jihad during the call and success

Stages of the invitation and Jihad in the Covenant of Civil:

Covenant can be divided into three stages of the civil:

1 phase of the founding of the Muslim community, the empowerment of the Islamic Call, had been raised at this stage of unrest and dissension from within, and the advance of the enemy from the outside; to stem the tide of the Muslims, and abandoned the call of the roots. Having concluded this stage of Muslims to conquer and control the situation with the holding of the Peace Hudaibia corresponds to the year in six of the migration.

2 phase of the peace with the enemy, the larger the gap, and the kings of the land to the call of Islam, and to the elimination of the Parties to the conspiracies. Having concluded this stage to open in Mecca of Ramadan, eight years of immigration.

3 to receive a delegation, and the entry of people in the religion of Allaah in crowds. The spread of this phase to the death of Prophet Muhammad, blessings and peace be upon him in the spring of the first eleven years of migration.

The city's population and their migration at:

Not the meaning of the Immigration and escape from the disposal of sedition, but was concerned with the migration of this cooperation, the establishment of a new society in a safe country, and it has become obligatory on every Muslim immigration is estimated to migrate and contribute to building this new home, and do his best in the vaccinated and the dignifying .

There is no doubt that the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and he was the Imam and the Leader and the Pacific in building this community, and the crisis it is without dispute.

Those who met the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and grant him salvation in the city were three types of different conditions of each and every one of them in relation to the other clearly different, and faces for each type of issues, including many non-issues that were faced in relation to the other.


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