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call of Islam outside of Mecca

Allegiance to the first obstacle:
Has reminded us that a group of six people of Yathrib converted to Islam in the pilgrimage season of the 11-year prophecy, the promised messenger of Allah and peace be upon him to inform his own people in the.

The result came in the season following 12 years of the pilgrimage season of the prophet, 621 m in July, twelve men, including five of the six who had met the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and grant him salvation in the previous year and the sixth who did not attend the bin Jaber Abdullah bin Riab and seven others, namely:

1 Maaz bin Harith, the son of Bani Najjar Afra [of Alkhozrj]

2 Zkoan bin Abdul measuring fellow Zreik. [Of Alkhozrj]

3 Ben silent worship of human sheep [from Alkhozrj]

4 Yazeed ibn Talbp allies built sheep [from Alkhozrj]

5 worship bin Abbas bin Ndilp of Bani Salim [the Alkhozrj]

6 Abu-Haytham bin Abdul Althan fellow Alochl [from Laos].

7 Aouim helped fellow bin Amr bin Awf [from Laos].

The last two of Laos, and the rest are all Alkhozrj.

They met with the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and grant him salvation at the Mena ALAKABA Fbayaoh Allegiance women, according to any Biathn which fell after Hudaibia.

Al-Bukhaari from Ibn silent worship, that the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him said: (Come join none Bayaoni not something God does not Tsrkoa, and weigh, and kill your children, do not come Bbhtan Frunh your hands and feet, and known in the Tasoni , it is immoral to you in God, and has punished by being put into this thing in the world, it is a penance, and it has nothing Vestrh God ordered him to God; that God will send, but God forgive him). said : Fbaiath copy: Fbayanah to do so.

Ambassador of Islam in the city:

Having made a pledge and ended the season sent the Prophet may Allah bless him and with those in the first ambassador Alambaiein Yathreb; to know the teachings of Islam where Muslims and Evqham in religion, and the deployment of Islam between those who did not continue to shirk, and opted for these young people from the embassy of the former youth of Islam, the first two , which Musab al-Amir bin Aelaidry may Allah be pleased with him.

Almgtbt success:

Download Musab al-Amir bin Ali Asaad bin Jalal Talabani, and the spread of Islam in taking the people of Yathrib, hard and Hamas, and was known as Musab al-Palmqri.

It tells of the wonderful success in the invitation to the happiest bin Jalal Talabani of the day he left home and built Alochl Abdul Dar Bani Zafar, Vdkhala in the wall of walls built Zafar, and they sat on the well have said: well, broth, and met them Muslim men and Saad Maaz Bin Bin Hazair acid and master their people from Bani Abdul Alochl day when the Muslims heard this said Saad acid: Go to those who had come to Esfha Dafana Vazjarhama and Anhama that come Darina, Asaad bin Jalal Talabani, the son of my aunt, and not to Kwejtk this.

Acid and the striker as he went on to accept, when he saw Musab al-Assad said: This has been his master Vasedk God when it comes to you, he said Musab: The sitting Okelmh. The acid Michtma stood by and said: What you came to us? Tesfhan Dafana? Atzlana if Bonevskma also a need, he said to him Musab: sit or hear, is satisfied with the accepted, though the palm of Lth what you hate, and he said: redress, and then sat down and focused striker, followed by Musab al-Islam, followed by the Koran. said: Fu God knew in the face of Islam before he speaks, and the preeminence of Thllah, said: What is the best this beautiful? How Tsnon If you want to enter this religion?

They said to him: Ngtzl, and cleanse Soubk, and attests to the right, then pray two rak'ahs. So he bathed, and the clothes are cleansed and the blessings of two rak'ahs, said: The man behind me that had not Tbekma by one of his people, and Sorushdh to you now Saad Bin Maaz and then to the left and striker Saad in his, and they sit in the club. Sa'd said: I swear by God, which comes without the face of the gold you have.

When the club to stop acid Saad told him: What did I do?, Said: have the two men, sure of what I saw by the Bassa, has Nhihma Faqala: doing what I loved.

There has been built that took to the happiest Haritha bin Jalal Talabani, killing him and that they had known since he was the son of Khaltk Ikhvrok. So Saad Mgilla the one said to him, he went on striker and left them, and when he knew that the sight assured Waseda but wanted him to hear them, Michtma stood by, and then said Asaad bin Jalal Talabani: God and my father in front of him, not for what you and I threw the kinship of the Mona, in the home, including Tgshana hate?

The Musab al-Assad said: By Allah, it comes to you from the master behind his people, if you had not Itbek one of them, he said Musab al-Saad bin Maaz: loose or hear? Is satisfied with the accepted, but we separate the Lth what you hate, he said : You may redress, then focused Fjels striker. introduced by Islam, the Koran and read it, he said: Varafna and God in the face of Islam before he speaks, and the preeminence of Thllah, and then said: How Tsnon if Oslemtem? They said: Ngtzl, and cleanse Soubk, and attests to the right, then pray two rak'ahs. and he did so.

Then take the striker to the club Then his people, when they saw him: Naf God has returned without a face, which went by.

When they stop, he said: O Children of Abdul Alochl, how do you know the two of you? They said: our Lord and view the best among us, and Oimanana sergeants, he said: the Word of your men and your women even forbidden to believe in Allah and His Messenger. What has become suspects men or women, however, a Muslim and a Muslim, but one man is Aloasirm delayed one day to his conversion to Islam, Voslm that day and fought and killed, did not bow down to God Sadjadp, said the Prophet peace be upon him: (a little work and often paid) .

And set up house in the happiest Musab bin Jalal Talabani called people to Islam, so is no longer the role of Dar al-Ansar, in which only the men and women of Muslim, but what was the Umayyad house bin Zaid, and Wael Ktmp. Who was the poet Qais bin Aloselt who stood Aitionh them about Islam so that the trench was in year five of the migration.

Prior to the season of Hajj Hajj the next year or the third session Musab bin Amir returned to Mecca a messenger of Allah and peace be upon him the promise of victory, and tell him the news Yathreb tribes, and their good talents, and their strength and prevent it.

Allegiance to the second obstacle:

In the pilgrimage season in the thirteenth year of Prophethood in June was attended by 622 m to perform the Hajj and seven a few Muslims from the soul of the people of Yathrib, they came within their nation pilgrims of the idolaters, and asked the Muslims among those who are not still in Yathrib, or were on the way : Even when we leave the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him around and sent off in the mountains of Mecca and afraid?

When provided, including Mecca and the Prophet may Allah bless him and secret contacts led to an agreement the two teams meet in the middle day of a sacred ritual in which people at Aqaba, where the first anthrax from me, and that the meeting will take place in complete secrecy in the darkness of the night.

Let us describe one of the leaders of the Ansar us this historic meeting on the course of the conflict in the pagan days, and Islam. Ka'b bin Malik said Al-Ansari may Allah be pleased with him:

We came out to the Hajj, the Messenger of Allah Oaadna may Allah bless him and peace of Aqaba Middle Tashreeq days, when we were on a pilgrimage, and the night and we were the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him, and us, Abdullah bin Amr bin Haram Abu Jaber, Mr. Sadatna of, Sheriff of our supervision, we have taken with us and we were able to us our people our obedience Vkelmenah and told him: "O Abu Jaber, you master of Sadatna, and oversight of the Sheriff, and I want you when you asked to be the wood-fire tomorrow. We've invited him and then to Islam, and the date Obrnah blessings of Allaah be upon us and the peace of Aqaba, he said: Voslm saw us and was captain of Aqaba.

Ka'b said: Venmna that night with our folks in Rahalna even if one third of the night before we Rahalna of the date of the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him, the infiltration of Ntzll Alqta utter disregard, even in the people we met at Aqaba, and we Seventy-three men and two women from our women; Nusseibeh Bint Ka'b or building built by Mazen Al-Najjar, and the names of Bint Amr, Umm Salamah invincible beings.

Vajtmena people waiting in the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and even sent to us, along with his uncle: Abbas ibn Abdul-Muttalib, is the religion of his day, however, I would like to attend is the son of his brother, and sure, and was the first speaker.

The beginning of the conversation, Abbas, an autopsy of the seriousness of the responsibility:

After the integration of the Council began talks for the conclusion of the coalition of religious and military, and was the first speaker is Abbas ibn Abdul Muttalib with the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him, spoke to explain to them very frankly that the seriousness of the responsibility will be stretched a result of this alliance. Said:

O Alkhozrj and the Arabs called the Ansar Khozrja, Khozrjha Oosha and both of us, where Muhammad has been manifested, and we stopped him from our folks who is seen as it is at the height of his people, and ban it in his own country. And my father had only bias you Allhouk Welcome, If you are you can see you and Lafon Daotamoh to him, and who Manaoh violated, you and you took it. and you feel that you Mslmoh Khazloh and after you get out of it now Inviting. At the height of it and prevented him from his people and his country.

Ka'b said: We told him: You may have heard what I said, talk, O Messenger of God, to yourself and to learn the Lord what I liked.

This answer indicates that they were the heart of the determination, courage and believe in, and dedication to bear the full responsibility of this great nation, with serious consequences.

And delivered the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him after that statement, then a pledge.

Terms of Allegiance:

It was narrated by Imam Ahmed Jaber detail. Jaber said: We said: O Messenger of Allah, Allam Nbayek? Said:

(On the obedience of activity and idleness.

And the maintenance of the hardship and ease.

And the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice.

And to you in God, not in God Tokzkm anybody as long.

And that if Tnasrony provided to you, which Tmanony Tmanon him yourselves and your wives, your sons, and heaven to you).

In a novel narrated by Ka'b Ibn Ishaq item only the last of these items, it has: Ka'b said: The Messenger of Allah spoke God's blessings and peace be upon him, read out the Koran, and called to God, and wants to Islam, said: (Obayakm that Tmanoni which it Tmanon your women and your sons). Disavowal son Marour he went on his hand and said: Yes, and who sent you the truth as a prophet, to prevent Nmnank which approach the task, the Fbayana O Messenger of Allah, we are the sons of God and the people of the war workshop, and inherited from the Capra Kaaber.

Said: objected saying Disavowal and talk to the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and Abu Haytham bin Althan, he said: O Messenger of God, that men between us and the ropes, and I mean they boycotted Jews Are Asit if we did so, and then Ozhrk refer to God and cause us to your people?

Said: Vtbasm the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him, said: (but blood, blood, destruction and demolition, I am you and you me, the fight Harepettm and Osalm of Salemtem


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