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he call of Islam outside of Mecca

Prophet Muhammad, blessings and peace be upon him in Al-Taif: 
Shehre Taif......


Shawwal in ten years of Prophethood [in late May or early June, in 619 m] was the Prophet may Allah bless him and handed over to Al-Taif, which is far from Mecca, about sixty miles, Sarha walking back to his feet and Zhopa, together with Zaid bin Haritha Mulah , and as they passed on the way to the tribe, invited them to Islam, did not answer him one of them.

When he has finished the three brothers Taef heads of education, and they Ialil Abdul Habib Massoud and the people of Amr ibn al-Amir Althagafi, Fjels to them and invited them to God, and to uphold Islam, said one of them: the Kaaba is Imrt clothes [ie torn] that God sent you. Another said: The one you found God, and the third said: God does not Oklmk never, that I was a messenger of the greatest risk you want to talk to you, while you lie to God, what should Oklmk. So them the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him and said to them: [as you did what you did for me Vaktamoa].

And established the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and peace among the people of Taif, ten days, leaving no one, however, came from their domination of the word, they said: Get out of my country. Ogerwa by Svhaehm, when he wanted out and was followed by Svhawhm slaves Esponh and yelling, even met the people , Voagafoa Smatin him [ie, two rows] and made Irmonh stones, and words of extravagance, and pelted Araguiba, even Achtill Nalah blood. and Zaid bin Haritha was himself so shield them from being shot in the head Cjaj, it still was not so foolish as to Oljooh wall to the threshold of my son and Shaybah Rebiya three miles from Taif, when it fled returned, and came the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and handed over to the Habla Fjels under which the grapes on the wall. When he sat down to him and reassured, the famous invocation, which shows his heart full of gloom and grief, which was severe, and regret that no one believes him, he said:

(Oh God, you complain of my weakness, lack of Ahilty and Hoini people, O Most Merciful of all, you're the head of the vulnerable, and you, my Lord, to whom Tklny? To Etjhemeny long? Mketh or my enemy? If not your anger do not care, but is more Awejtk me, and forbid the light of your face which has brightened the darkness, and good for the world and the Hereafter is that I come down your anger, or resolve Schtk, the threshold until you accept, and no power but yours) .

When he saw his son moved Rebiya Rahmanma, called upon the boy to a Christian said to him: Addas, and said to him: Take Ktefa of this grape, and go to that man. "When he put the hands of the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and his D him, saying: (the name of God), and then eat.

Addas said: that this is what the people of this country, said to him, the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him: (from any country are you? And Dink? Said: I am a Christian from the people of Nineveh . He said the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him: the man from the village of Al-Saleh Younis when). said to him: The son of Younes Ederik what when? "The Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him: (that my brother was a prophet and I am the Prophet), Addas Vokp at the top of the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him and his hands and feet acceptable.

Rabia, said a son of one another: The Ghulamk has destroyed you. Addas When they came to him: What is this and scratching? Said: Sir, what on earth is better than this man, I have not told me about knows only the Prophet, said to him: and scratching my Addas not Barvenk about Dink, Dink, the best religion.

And the sound of the Prophet of Allah and peace be upon him on the road to Mecca after his release from the grim wall Downheartedly down-hearted, when he hit a century houses of God sent him Gabriel together with the king of the mountains, Istomrh apply Alokhcpin the people of Mecca.

The breakdown of the story narrated by al-Bukhaari from Bssande Erwa ibn al-Zubayr, the soul, she said I talked to the Prophet peace be upon him: Do you come on, you had more than one day? Said: (was of what your people were, and most of them were on ALAKABA, as presented myself to Ibn Abd al-Ialil bin Abdul fatigue, no Ijbni what you want, and I am anxious Vantalegt on my face, not only I Ostvq century fox is called the century houses raising my head if I had a cloud Ozltinay, O, if the GC, Vadani, he said: God has heard you say your people, and returned to you, God has sent you the King of the mountain you want to order him to them. Vadani King of the Mountain, He acknowledged the Then he said: "O Muhammad, what do you want, if you want to apply them to any Alokhcpin done, and Alokhcban: the mountain of Mecca: Abu Qubeis, which offset a Qaiqaan The Prophet peace be upon him: but I hope that out of God the Almighty and to worship Oslabhm from God alone, does not involve anything by).

In this answer is made by the Prophet Muhammad, blessings and peace be upon him reflected the outstanding personality, and it was not aware of the creatures great frontier.

Woke up and the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him and reassured his heart for this victory by standing Agheiby of Allaah be upon him from above the seven heavens, and then progress towards Mecca reached Palm Valley, and established by the days. In the valley of Nakhla Modaan fit to live stream to the large and Alzimp them of water and fertile and did not stand to be appointed by the source of his blessings of Allah and peace be upon him in it.

During his stay may Allah bless him and God sent him there quite a number of the jinn Allah mentioned in two places of the Koran: Surat in California: (and you spent quite a number of the Koran when the jinn listened Houdroh eliminated when they listened to their nation and the first warning they "O our people we have heard a book revealed after Moses, confirming what came before it and to the right guide to the path of our people come straight you need to believe in God and forgive you your sins and from the torment of a painful Egerkm) [California: 29: 31 .]

In Surat Al-Jinn: (say that it inspired a group of Jinn listened and said we have heard the Koran guides to the majority screamed Our mother of the Lord will not involve anyone) to fully fifteenth verse [jinn: 1: 15 .]

It is the context of these verses, as well as from the context of stories that were received in the interpretation of this incident shows that the Prophet may Allah bless him and did not know that the presence of Private jinn and while attending the hearing, but later informed him that while these verses of Allaah be upon him, and that their presence was for the first time, and requires the context of stories they come after that time.

And, indeed, this incident was the latest victory of God standing the absence of hidden treasures of the soldiers that are not known, however, is, and the verses that I got in connection with this incident was successfully folded Besharat call the Prophet peace be upon him, and that any force of the universe can not prevent them and success: (It is not no need God Bmadz the land and not from those without parents in clear error) [California: 32], (and I thought that God would not fail in the earth, nor can we frustrate Him by flight) [Jinn: 12].

Before this victory, and before this Alepesharat, Oakecat cloud of depression, sadness and despair, which had been in place since it was sent from Taif rejected, so was determined to return to Mecca, and to resume his first in the presentation of Islam and to convey the message of God's eternal new vigor and enthusiasm and hard.

And then said to him, Zaid bin Haritha: How does Okrjok they have? Qrisha means, he said: (O-Zeid, that God will grant what she sees Faraga and a way out, and God's religion, Nasser, and the appearance of Nabeeh). marched Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him, even if DNA from Mecca stayed Bhra, sent a man to Khaza'a Alokhans bin Criv to Igirh, he said: I am an ally, the ally is not endorsed, sent to Suhail ibn Amr, said Sohail: The built Amer is not Baghdad, was built on the heel, sent to the restaurant, Bin Odai, said the restaurant: Yes, and then arms and called on its people and to his, and he said: put a weapon, and be at the corners of the house, I had made Muhammad, and then sent to the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him: to enter, So the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him, along with Zayd ibn Haritha concluded until the Grand Mosque, the restaurant and so on Uday bin Rahalth Club: O Quraish, I had made Muhammad Iahjh not one of you, and ended Messenger Allah may Allah bless him and handed over to the corner Vastelmh, and went home, and head and prayed, and went away to his home, a restaurant and his son Uday bin Mahdqon of arms entered his home.

It was said: The ignorance of the father asked the restaurant: You O.r monitor or a Muslim?. He said: but endorser. A: You may of Ojrna conducted.

The conservation of the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and handed over to a restaurant doing this, he said in the Badr Asari: (if the restaurant is alive and Uday bin Kelmeny in these Alentny left of him)

Presentation of Islam on the tribes and individuals:

Corresponds to the ten years of the prophecy in late June or early July in 619 m returned Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him to Mecca; to resume the presentation of Islam on the tribes and individuals, and the winding down of the season, people come to Mecca, men, and on every lean come from all deep ravine to perform the Hajj, to witness the benefits to them, and mention the name of God in the days of information, Vanthz Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and this opportunity gave them a tribe tribe introduce them and invite them to Islam, was also invited for the fourth year of Prophethood, has requested of them This year, the tenth and Iwooh Inasroh and stop until it reaches what God recreate it.

Tribes by the offer of Islam:

Said syphilis: it was us who called the tribes, who given them the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him, and invited them and offered them the same: the Bani Amir bin Sasap, and veteran Ben _khasvp and Fsarp, Ghassan, and time, and Hanifa, Salim, and seven, and Bani Nasr , and beings to cry, and Kinda, and a dog, and Harith bin Ka'b, and virginity, and Elhoudarmp, one of whom did not respond.

These tribes, which he named the syphilis was not introduced by Islam in a single year or in one season, but it was between the fourth year of Prophethood to last season before the migration. In a given year could be designated for the presentation of Islam to a certain tribe, but most was the tenth year.

As for how to present Islam to these tribes, and how the responses to the offer have been mentioned by Ibn Ishaq, and may be summed up as follows:

1 dog beings: came to the Prophet may Allah bless him and handed over to the belly is said to have them: the people of Abdullah, Vdaahm to God and to offer them the same, even to say to them: (O my son, Abdullah, may Allah This website is the name of your father), did not accept what is offered to them.

2 Bani Hanifa: Vdaahm given them in their homes to God, and offered them the same, it was not one of the worst of the Arabs by the response from them.

3 came to Beni Amer bin Sasap: Vdaahm to God, and offered them the same, said Feras Al Bihrp [a man of them]: and God, if I took the boy from the Quraish to eat by the Arabs, and then said : Have you seen that we Bayanak to you, then Ozhrk Ali Khalvk Would we be after you from? said: (to be God put him where he wants), he said to him: for the Arabs Ovtahedv Nhorna Dunk If God was Ozhrk it to others, we do not need Bomrk, Vobwa it.

Since I came back spoke to the Bani Amir Sheikh Yoav season they did not to his advanced age, and said to him: We received the boy from the Quraish of Bani Abdul-Muttalib, the Prophet is alleged that, to prevent us and we with him, and get out of the country, Sheikh put his hands on his head and said : "O Bani Amer whether it Tlav? Do Znabaha requirement? by the same person with his hand as to say never Ismaily, and had the right, where do you think you were?.

Non-believers, the people of Mecca:

And also presented the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and Islam on the tribes and the delegations, the individuals and persons, and obtained some of the valid responses, and several men believed in him after this season, a little, and Hak About them:

1 Sweden bin silent:

Libya was a poet, residents of Yathrib, he calls his [full] of the skin, hair, honor and proportions, the Mecca pilgrims or Matmra, Advocates of the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and to Islam, he said: Perhaps you who like me. said to him, the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him: (what you?), he said: Luqman wisdom. A: (I am on). Frdha, said to him, the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him: (This is a good talk, which to me is better than this; God revealed the Quran Ali, is guidance and light), read out by the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and the Quran, and invited him to Islam, Voslm, and said: This is good to say. When the city had not provided soon that the repast was killed in Laos, the day before Alkhozrj Avat. that the safest and most likely in the early eleventh year of Prophethood.

2 Eyas Maaz bin:

Was a boy of the population of Yathrib, a delegation from Laos, they came seeking the alliance of the Quraish on their nation of Alkhozrj, and Avat such as the war in the early years of the prophet 11; they were alive in the flames of hostility between the two tribes of Yathrib, and Laos was the least number of Alkhozrj When informed of the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and came to Bmekdmanm, Fjels them, and said to them: (Can you come in better than him?) They said: What is that? said: (I am the Messenger of Allah, the Abad Bosny, invite them to Iabdoa that God does not allow him anything, and sent down the book), and then said to them Islam, and they read the Koran. Eyas bin Maaz said: Any nation, and that God come better than him, he went on Alehisr Abu Anas bin Rafi man from a handful of the soil by the Fermi Batha menopause, and said: Let's Vlamry We have come to this, Vsamt menopause, and the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him, and started to the city not succeed in holding that the alliance with the Quraish.

After their return to Yathrib, soon menopause that have not perished, and the cheering and praise and grow up and swimming at his death, there is no doubt that he died a Muslim.

3 Abu Dharr al:

One of the aspects of the population of Yathrib, and perhaps what was the source of Yathreb News blessings of Allaah be upon him peace and quiet and Psoid Ben Ben Eyas forbid, took place in Abu Dharr authorized as well, and has become a cause of Islam.

Al-Bukhari narrated from Ibn Abbas said: "Abu Dharr: I was a man of Ghafar, Fbghanna out that the man had claimed that the Prophet in Mecca, I said to my brother: go to this man and the word, and Aitny experience, so it Vlekaya, then came back, I said: What you have? said: By Allah, I saw a man with good order, and end of evil, I said to him: not Tveny the news, I took a stick and pouch, Then she came back to Mecca, making I do not know, and I hate that ask, and I drank water from Zamzam, and I would be in the mosque. said: has endured a frustrating Bay. He said: The man was the stranger? said: I said: Yes. He said: Hence, home, with Vantalegt do not ask me for something and not ask him to tell him. When I became to become a mosque to ask him, not by some one tell me. he said: he endured a frustrating me at: As was the man who knows his home after ? said: I said: no. he said: Hence, to me, he said: said: What about you? Okdmk and this town? said: I said to him: that those whose Ali told you, he said: I do, he said: "I told him: that he had reached out, here is a man claiming to be the Prophet of God, sent my brother did not Ichaelmh Faraga Ishvny the news, that the dead made.

He said to him: As you may be rationalized. This is my face to him, enter the login, where I saw one that I scare you to the wall if I uphold the fittest, and you go. Vamady and income went up to him, and entered with the blessings of Allaah be upon him and peace. I told him: View on Islam. Frdah, Voslmt place, he said to me: (my father Dharr, Aktm this matter and return to your country, if our backs Then Bulgk). I said: and who sent you the right to Osrkhan between Ozaarham, Fjit to the mosque, and when the Quraish, so I said: O Quraish, I testify that there is no God but Allah and I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of His Messenger, and said: the best of this Alsabi . They, offers to die, Vodrickny Vokp Abbas Ali, and then accept them, he said: Wellcome kill a man from Ghafar? and Mottagrkm and Mamrkm on Ghafar, Voqlawa me. When it became day, I came back, like I said what I said yesterday . They said: the best of this Alsabi,-making is making me yesterday, Vodrickni Abbas Ali said Vokp such as his article yesterday.

4 Amr Ibn Tofail Aldosy:

Honest man, a poet Libya, President dos tribe, and the Principality of his tribe or sub in some aspects of the Principality of Yemen, Mecca, in 11 of the prophet, was received by her family before his arrival, and made a tribute to him, Akram estimate, and said to him: Oh, parasite , you made our country, and this man who has demonstrated the insidious us, and our teams, and has distracted us, but saying and wizardry, which distinguishes between the man and his father, and between man and his brother, and between man and his wife, and I am afraid of you and your people as we entered, there is no speaking Tsaman not him.

Parasite says: sure of what I still do not even unanimous something I hear it, does not Okelmh, even when I became Hacot ears to the mosque Chrisva; tell the difference by saying anything, he said: If Vdot to the mosque is a prayer at the Kaaba, so made him soon, but God refused heard some say, things Vsamat Well, I said to myself: Izql and my mother, I am a man of God and Labib poet; the secret of good ugly, stop me to hear what this man says? Well, if accepted, although the ugly legacy, even Fmktt Vatbath left home, even if it entered into his house, introduced by the story of providers, and intimidation of people to me, and fill the ear Balchrisv, and then hear some of his words, and I said to him: you introduce to the , introduced to Islam, read the Koran. sure of what I heard the word better than ever, and it is the fairest, Voslmt have the right certificate, and I said to him: "I obeyed, in the nationalist, and see them, and Daihm to Islam, God makes Vade I am in no, he called.

The mandate was to make his DNA from the light of God in the face, such as the lamp, he said: Oh God, not in my face. I am afraid to say: This is like him, became the light of the Soth, he called his father and his wife to Islam Vosalma, the slower it his in Islam, but still moved them up after the trench, together with seventy or eighty houses of his people, and has done a good job in Islam, the killing of a martyr on the dove.

5 dressing kadhdhaab matrook:

Azad Cnup was from Yemen, and the amount of the wind, the Mecca Vsama Svhaeha say: that Muhammad is crazy, he said: If I may come this man at the hands of God Ishvih, Vlekaya, said: "O Muhammad, I am superior to the wind, do you? "The Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him: (The Praise of God and Nhmayor Nstainh, Ihdh of God is not misleading, and do not be misled, Hadi, and I testify that there is no god but Allah alone is not partner, and I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of His Messenger. After).

He said: prepared for your these Vo.e.n by the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him three times, he said: I heard the words of the priests, and telling the witch, and the poets say, what I heard your words, such as these, and has reached the lexicon of the sea, give your hand to Obayak Islam, Fbayah.

Six of the people of good breezes Yathreb:

In the pilgrimage season of the year 11 of the prophecy of 620 m in July and found viable seeds of Islamic call, quickly turned into trees Basqat, fear of Muslims in leafy shadows of the full blast of injustice and aggression even change the course of events and turning the line of history.

The wisdom of God's blessings and peace be upon him about what he was receiving from the people of Mecca and the denial of the connection from the way of Allah that he was out to the tribes in the darkness of the night, so as not to deter him, including one of the people of the infidels of Mecca.

Went to the night with him and Abu Bakr, has endured a frustrating and struck the homes of Ben Talbp Shiban, and Klmanm in Islam. Have been held between Abu Bakr and the man was struck by the questions and answers are nice, and responded beings Shiban Borjy answer, but they stayed in the acceptance of Islam.

Then over the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him snag me, the voices of men talking Vsama Fmayorm even to the right, and they were a group of six young people of Yathrib, all of Alkhozrj, namely:

Asaad bin Jalal Talabani 1 [of the Bani Najjar].

2 Awf bin Harith bin Afra Rvaap son [of the Bani Najjar].

3 Rafie bin Malik bin Ajlan [fellow Zreik].

4 pole bin Amer bin Hdidp [of the Bani Salamah].

5 a bin Amer bin Nabi [of the Bani Ka'b ibn haram].

6 Jaber bin Abdullah bin Riab [of the Bani Obeid bin sheep].

It was His Excellency the people of Yathrib, they were hearing from the allies of the Jews of the city, if anything, including, the prophet of the prophets in this time envoy will, Ventbah and Nguetlkm was killed with him back-and-toss.

When a right of Allah and peace be upon him, said to them: (Who are you?) Said: a group of Alkhozrj said: (from the loyal Jews?) Any of their allies , they said: Yes. A: (I am talking not sit?) said: Yes, Fjelsoa him, explained to them the true nature of Islam and his call, and invited them to God, and they read the Koran . Some of them said for some: By God, you know, folks, that of the Prophet, which Tuadkm of the Jews, not to Zbguenkm, Vosrawa to answer his call, and converted to Islam.

They were Yathreb wise, weary of civil war that soon passed, and the flames are still raging, Vomiloa be a reason to call the war situation, and said: I have not left our folks, including people from evil and enmity between them, gathered them and may the God in you, then them, Vndaohm to you, and we offer them to the Ojbnak of this debt, the self-styled man of God you do not dearest to you.

As he returned to the city carried them to the message of Islam, so that is no longer the role of Dar al-Ansar, which, however, said the Messenger of Allah may
Allah bless him and grant him salvation.


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